Title Insurance
Why Do You Need Title Insurance?Because You Can’t Afford To Need It And Not Have It.
Introduction To Title Insurance
Title Insurance is a policy that provides against serious financial loss due to a defect in the title of a property.
Title insurance covers both claims arising out of the title problems that should have been discovered in the public records and those hidden defects that could not be discovered in the records. Those hidden defects could include forgeries, fraud, errors in public records and missing heirs. Title insurance differs significantly from other forms of insurance in that covers events of the past, not of the future. See also “Owners Title Policy” and “Mortgagee (Lender’s) Title Policy”.

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Bryan County Abstract Company
120 N 3rd ST, Durant, OK 74701
Mailing Address
PO Box 557, Durant, OK 74702
Closing Office
116 N 3rd St, Durant, OK 74701
Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM